Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I know that this blog is all about Liliana and Graves, but there is another member of my family who often goes forgotten. Today is his special day. The last day that he lived inside of me. Although I never got to hold him before he died, I love him just the same. Having two healthy children is such an incredible blessing, but my first born holds a special place in my heart.

My special angel. I love you forever. I miss you every day. I thank God that you were a part of me, although not for as long as I had dreamt. I love you Miles Gabriel. Thank you for watching over your brother and sister. Thank you for teaching me more about a parent's love than anyone can ever know. You are not ever forgotten by me.

Today I will hold back the tears. Today I will try not to be heartbroken over my loss, but joyful for the two wonderful children that I have been blessed with. Today I will give my two living children a special hug and look forward to the day that they will mourn and celebrate their brother with me. Today, and every day, I am the mother of three beautiful children.


Anonymous said...

Miles Gabriel is not forgotten. Thinking of you today.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and your family today. - Theresa

Shelley said...

I just want you to know you are an amazing lady!!

Anonymous said...

Miles is very proud of his mommy and daddy and siblings. He watches over you all everyday.

Shalene said...

Thank you for sharing. I think you are an amazing mom.