This week Juliana and Amen are staying with us while Jeremy and Crystal are in Portland, OR visiting Tim and Jessey. We're having a blast and these kids are seriously wearing each other (and us :) ) out! We've got a pretty good system down, 4 meals at a time, flip-flop baths, put them all in bed with 4 blankets and 4 cups of milk. I must admit, it's fun!
Today Danny and his girlfriend came up to Boone, so we went to play at the playground at a local school (avoiding the chaos that surrounds our big park on a beautiful day!). The kids had a blast. Graves absolutely was a mad-man climbing up the stairs to the slide. Juliana's favorite thing was bubbles and popcorn. Amen played with a ball. And Liliana liked trying to climb the play equipment and swing with Daddy. I'm bummed that the weather is not going to be as nice the rest of the time they are here.